Monday, June 23, 2008

Camp Ocanku-sa Hits the Road - 2008

Here are some camp highlights from this summer's session of Camp Ocanku-sa. The rumor was that Hannah Montana was going to perform, however, her alter-ego "Jane Mein" showed up instead! Enjoy...
Camp Ocankusa Hit the Road in search of water and wildlife refuge animals.
We visited Long Lake Wildlife Refuge and took in a day's worth of bird fun - egg painting, sign making, a bird hike and more! A short hike to the Mandan Tesoro Refinery showed us how industry and nature can work together in harmony. Walking the pond trails we saw lots of water life including the majestic pelicans that make their home there. Amazing!
Worms, worms and more worms! This year we avoided the dreaded mosquito, but, Herman the Worm was a constant 'carry along' companion. "He was 'this big'!"
A dutch oven cook-off was a fun finale to camp. Baking a pinapple upside down cake at camp can be done - and it's delicious! Swimming and a tent slumber party for the Juniors was a blast.
Join Girl Scouts - Join the Fun! Early Bird registration for the 2008-2009 session of Girl Scouts ends on June 30th. Contact the Bismarck Girl Scout office for more information. 701-223-4525.
See you next year at camp!