Thursday, January 24, 2008

Are you ready for GIRL SCOUT COOKIES?

Girl Scouts and cookies share a rich history. While recipes and box designs have changed, selling cookies remains an important part of today's Girl Scout program. The activity of selling products is directly related to the Girl Scouts purpose of helping all girls realize their full potential and become strong, confident, and resourceful citizens.

When people purchase Girl Scout cookies, they receive a great product and provide support for girls through their cookie purchases. All of the proceeds remain in the area where the products are sold. This revenue is used to benefit girls, some of it directly by remaining in the Girl Scout troop and some of it indirectly through council programs, activities and events.

From February 22 through March 14, girls will sell eight varieties of cookies from ABC Baker. The cookies include: Caramel deLites, Peanut Butter Patties, Shortbreads, Thin Mints, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Thanks-a-lots, Lemonades, and the new cookies Cinna-Spins that come in 100 calorie packs. The cookies are $4.00 a box. Troops earn money for every box sold and girls have the opportunity to earn recognition awards as they reach sales goals.

Girls Scouts - Don't forget to attend the Cookie Rally on February 9th and to set your goals. Visit today!